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Dr. Francis Kaklauskas, PsyD
Collective for Psychological Wellness
Dr. Kaklauskas, is a Licensed Clinical and Organizational Psychologist with over 25 years experience in a variety of setting with diverse clients. Currently, he works with young adults, adults, families, as well as and other mental health professionals and organizations. He leads a variety of process, supervision, training and groups in his practice. He is a Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, as well as serving on a variety of national tasks forces and committees focusing of the topics of psychotherapy research and diversity. Dr. Kaklauskas publications include being the primary psychological consultant and on-screen presenter for the best selling three part video series, Hooked: The Addiction Trap, and has published multiple articles and book chapters on group psychotherapy, mindfulness, and integrating empirical research into Psychodynamic and Humanistic oriented clinical practice. He has co-edited multiple psychotherapy textbooks, Brilliant Sanity: Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy, Existential Psychology East-West, Shadows & Light: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology, and the forthcoming Principles of Group Psychotherapy.